Sunday 20 September 2009


I'm so bored. seriously i'm
still sick which means that weekedn at home -_-'
but tomorrow i MUST go shopping
because if not i will kill myself.

So I'm watching 2005/2006 TH pic's
the times that some of you never tasted and never gonna do it.
i have to say i miss this times so much.
and i can give a lot to go back to this 2005/2006 point.
when everything was so fun and easy.

I've got bad feeling on my mind. I hope it will go away from me soon.
i hate the feelings like this. its killing me.
what else?
photo manipulation of ugly thing on the pic of course by me ;]
don't you dare to take it ;]

Ok i'm gonna do some instant soup for myself. i love them yess i dooooooo. <3
yeah man its so yummy *-*
and my dad was so kid today and he bought me 10 of tomato instant soup yehey ^^

oh and i cant wait till Emas <3
I really can't wait to meet my people because I MISS YOU GUYS
and i love you sooooo!!!
yeah we gonna party as hell there no matter what ;]

ok goodnight

1 comment:

  1. hahaha that Tom pic xDDDD

    And jaaa i also miss the 'GOOD OLD TIMES' so much that 80 % the so called 'fas' today dont even know -.-'

    Oh and the soup looks good,im getting hungry again o.O

    And yaaaaaaaaaaay EMAs *_*
    We will FINALLLLLLLLLLY meet <3


