Sunday, 20 February 2011

Th- haribo version !

hahahaha alright so as i almost never eat jelly bears i asked my dad to buy me some jellies when he was going to the shop and he bought me the bears hahaha somehow in this pack of haribos i found 4 aliens hahah so i couldnt help myself but doing this ......

dont laugh im super bored! hahaha



  1. Hahah świetne! Pomysłowe i urocze!

  2. Hahahaha kocham to!
    Tylko nie gadaj że to potem zjadłaś, fanów owszem, ale nie TH! xD

  3. kaulitz's doll haha nudzilo mi sie xD

    Anon : haha zabardzo niemialam na te zelki ochoty dlatego tez wkrecilam se taka akcje xD no i ten nie niezjadlam ich wrzucilam spowrotem do paczki, moze jutro xD

  4. Hahahaha thats so cool,i like it xDD

    And the green one in "frontrow" is funny,maybe its green because it feels sick and wants to leave xDDD

    And the "Bill"-one looks more like priest in church how it stands there xDD


  5. haha thanks but i should have done stage outfit for allien bill hahahaha
    + the red one should be me and yellow one shpuld be you hahahahahah !
