Monday, 19 October 2009

Fcuk you bees!

as on image!
i want you all to dieeeee
diiiie bitch diiiiiiieeeee!
i know my reason!
i hate you all ugly things -__-

one more in my room and i will explode right?.

btw. i bought new wardrobe and new Bedding and i love it so *-* !
but my dad is actually to lazy to fix it and my bed is full of my clothes nice heeeee?
and im so damn tired.
i just slept 30 minutes today, I'm awake since 7 and im going mad now!
so i will go and eat my toast now, watch BrzydUla, stole some fags from my dad (i wasnt bothered to go to the shop nice nice) than i will probably throw all of my clothes from my bed to the floor because im to lazy to move it in different way
and hopefully i wil lgo to sleep
i had tough day today.
and tomorrow i'm going to some office with my passport oO i wonder what they want from it oO

Good Night. (Bees fuck off from my window! i have hair-spray!!)


  1. Ohhh i also dont like bees,they scare me >.<
    And B. is allergical to it,so 2 good reasons not to like them haha xD
    And i dont even like to eat honey,i just like it in beauty products ,so... xDDDD

    Haha and we and our TOAST haha xDDD
    OMG im hungry now xD
    I want a Kaulitz-sandwich haha xD
    Do you think they can beam us some to here from the USA ?



  2. o kurwa jaka frustacja HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA

    `diieee bitch dieeee ! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA||||tez ich nie lubie bo kiedys mnie ujebala w palec jaqk chcialam zjesc buleczke jak bylam mala ;((((
