Sunday, 14 February 2010

fighting with....

my sleeping bag hahahahaha its so huuuuge and it sont want to fit in any of my suitcases ...Eustachy we have a problem hahahaha god god god!
so what i will do? hahahahahahah all the clothes on the pic must go into this bag + sleeping bag + my cushion + 5 pairs of shoes + all my makeup stuff hahahahahahahhahaa
i know i know its impossible hahahahahaa
my bag is huge and my sleeping bag is even more HUGE hahahaha
as you can see thats my tour mess hahahahah should i ask Chuck Norris ro pak it for me? hahahahahahahhai really dont know what to do with it but well hahahaha i have to do it SOMEHOW hahahaha
yesturday i went for last shopping for this tour i bought some things aha and also this sleeping bag i will call Eustachy hahaha nice name in it? hahahaa
well haha i have to deal with it whatever i want it or not. and i know isa will kill me for my second bag hahahaha i love you too honey <3 hahahahahahaha

KURWA Eustachy zawstydzil Holi bo jest o polowe wiekszy niz jej sie to wydawalo hahahahaha
co nie ? hahahahah
dawno po polsku tu niepisalam wiec kurwa mam problem i to duzy, widzicie na foto moj kurwa burdel i ja mam sie spakowac? i wy marudzicie ze niemozecie sie zmiescic w 10 kilo? co ja mam powiedziec jak mam 20? hahahahahahahahaha
no i chuj! nati da rade...jakos hahaha

haha peace & love & HUMANOIDS!


  1. pozdro dla 5 ciu par butów ! hahahhahaa

    kurwa tak zawstydził Holi, że Holi idzie się kurwa pod łóżko schować HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

    Ty chuju ! niedługo się widzimy *.*

  2. w ogóle twoja czapka < 3
    i pierwsze zdjecie !
    a drugie zdjecie rozpierdala na lokcie HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHAAHA

    TY BANANIE ! ;***********************

  3. Hey!^^
    U prepeared so... fundamentally! hahaha! it's really cool! especially this sleepin' bag!
    i'll settle in your blog just 2 know how you use all this stuff on tour.
    [as i understood u r goin' to follow th on their europe tour?^^]


  4. oh hahahaa thank you haha yeah the sleeping bag is so warm and cosy so i think i will be ok at night infront of the venues hahaha .
    and yes i wil follow them again xD
    btw where are you from?

  5. ohThats so cool
    You comming to moscow or st petersbourg?

  6. i hope not moscow and not spb, coz in russia conserts are real mad. just imagin' - a lot of 15 years old girls who cry and can kill you just to appear on first line. i don't wanna see it again^^

  7. oh oO well but its like this in whole europe thrust me. and never go to spain seriously haha its like making yourself dead
    the thing is just not to let those hot15teens let you down
    so you not going anywhere?

  8. in helsinki its different, i swear!
    i wanna... but if i had money (if my f''kin' boss pay me my salary), i would go somewhere.^^

  9. oh sorry never been to scandinavia do see them i wanted this tour but well dates are too tight haha
    uh sorry <3 i hope you will get it.
