Monday, 1 February 2010


so today we say welcome to febuary haha
my month haha def. im gonna be so old in 10 days ahaha
and in 17 im going away, thats scaring me even more haha
today was pretty lazy day. my dentist appointment got canceled, so im going this thursday aaaagrrrr its killing me haha i wish i could be after it.
and well it was so sunny day today, i wish we can have this weather in rotterdam and other concerts hahaha
im thinking what should i take, i need to buy so many many things still.
and i lost my sunglasses hahaha i will need them on tour as my eyes can be tired sometimes haha
if i wont find them i need to buy some new onesi also cut my hair today xDDDDD
well not much but still, i did layers i like my hair now xD and again i think getting haircut done by myself is way better than hairdresser, i dont thrust them no more, i had situations that i explained to them carefully what i really want but they did it different way xD thats why i cut my hair myself xD
tomorrow i will go to boots and buy some hair paint so i will coulor them , probably dark brown i want to go back to my real hair colour XD

haha i took this pic just now, yes im drinking nice nice coffee with cream and chockolate on the top *-*, and looking through my tour notes, writing important stuff in it and so on and on xD
and chilling a bit xD listening to Whitney Houston <3
what can i say? haha i will watch Dr. House in few minutes ahahahah .
i told you guys im addicted to it hahaha .
ok so song i listen to

just loveeeeeeeeee Whitney and this song *-*
so i will finish my notes now take care



  1. chusteczki pachna cudnie, ale czaisz, oliwka dla bobasków jest przezajebista, najlepiej johnson's baby, po prostu, oh man *.* wciaga w chuj, zaloze sie ze za juz dwa dni bedziesz miala obejrzane caly sezon, jak nie lepiej ;-ddd. jego teksty sa zajebiste po prostu, ale czasami dla mnie za szybko on gada i hahaha kurwa musze zastopowac bo nie zajarze sensu, japieprze oO jak jakis debil hahah

    w ogole jak lubisz house'a to ci polecam jeszcze 'lie to me' to juz w ogole, wymiata ;-ddd
