Thursday, 29 April 2010

Ah Man *-*

maaaaaaaaan you look more than adorable

You rocked my world, you know you did
And everything I'm gonna give
And there ain't nothing we could find
Someone like you to call mine 

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


i have kind of lazy day today. i wanted to finish my project but im too lazy haha grr 
i went out to high wycombe today. and i found niceeeeeeeee diary *-* 
i bought it haha. 
and omg its so warm here! feels seriously like summer! 
tomorrow i will go out to meet with Becia, ages i havent seen her! 
she will have babyyyyyyy and i must see her with big belly haha !

ok so here are some pic's from today:
my new diary *-*

and me today xD

hahaha my friend said i look so like ciara on this pic : 

hahaha well hahaha thats compliment than i adore Ciara my woman-hero *-*
and oh god i look like im black on it hahaha my skin look so dark ...but its because of the light hahaha 
ok now im going to make some food for myself and thaaaaaaan....( haha )
.... and than i will try to do something with my project! .

so i will update my blog tomorrow after i will be back from Becia's house . 



Monday, 26 April 2010

One night in Warsaw.

so i came back. i went away for almost a week. I haven't said a word to anyone about where I'm going and why. There was no need of doing that and what did i get?
i got called a STALKER. hmm its not my foult people think and write stupid things without even knowing exactly what i was doing and why and when and so on.  well i admit it i feel sad about this i never expected this person to say such things and be so upset that i visited my family ;] Not standing infront of twins house stalking them as some people think because thats not what makes me happy, surprise for me is that people who know me aso though that and talked shit to other people about me "being" there for stalker-holidays WTF that hurted. but anywayyyyys.

thats where i was
i went away on tuesday night and i visited few cities before i was actually in poland. than in Poland we arrived near Lodz and i just refreshed and as fast as i could i jumped into the train and went to Warsaaaaaaaw,
i met with my best and went for few beers to Hardrock Cafe ;] than Eli came haha what a surprise on her face haha i still see this oOOOO * Nati...what the hell are you doing here?!?!* hahaha
than we talked so much about everything and nothing TH wasnt even a topic there haha so private meeting and i loved it.
than we went to the train station and had nice party at dredis house hahaha.
with Pan Tadeusz vodka * for special meetings *  haha it was special you all cant imagine how good was that hahaha

" And once again we drink for the BOSS* haha of course only me and dredi know what the boss means hahaha
well we drinked everything for the BOSS hahaha
we went to bed at 5 or 6 in the morning haha i just know it was light outside and i was telling dredi to make room darker because i cant sleep haha we talked so muuuuuuuch and i have to say im so glad to have best friend like she is. she never did bad to me she always respect as i do and i love her sooooooo
haha as she said " Nati..of course you were stalking me!!! you stalkerrrrrrr " hahaha and lets stick to that.

ok here are some pictures with my bestssss

haha drunk on the balcony haha we love this balcony do we? hahaha
ciggarettes always taste better with her on this balcony i swear to god hahaa!!!!!!

hahaha man my face looks like i had meet and greet with a tram hahaha !
haha and some pics with out Tediiiii

and at the end picture with my Eliiiii in Hardrock xD 

so thats it for One night in warsaw
what happend in Poland stays in Poland right? hahaha 
goodnight  everyone :*

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Goodbye Humanoid City.

So this is it, and i hardly can believe it that another tour just came to a end.
It was amusing, the show was awesome, the people were so nice and i want to meet them again some day.
I remember each of this 6 shows so clear, every moment, every song just everything.
I want to hold the moments in my hands and never let it go.
I'm really thankful to the guys for giving me such opportunity to be there with them and my friends having fun in Humanoid City.
I never thought that tour could be that good, really i thought im gonna suck it so much that i wont like the show but actually i did so well and im inlove with this show. i want to see it all over again.
it was so hard to let them go really, the last song in Paris ...god i felt like someone is ripping my heart out of my body,
i wanted this construction to stuck, to stop not letting them go. and for the first time i cried on TH so much. as soon as i heard the first sound of Tom's guitar on last song my eyes were full of tears, i never wanted to cry it just came by itself and than tears started coming out of my eyes like crazy.
i really got used to the guys, and to this tour, to my friends and everything what happened.
as Dredi said it
Congratulation to US! 
we did so well. im so prouuuuuuud.
I want to say thank you to all the people i've been in Humanoid City with.
Thank you Dredi for being there for me and with me in hard and good times
Thank you Isa for nice first part of tour.
Thank you Gordon for stalking us.
Thank you to each of my polish girls <3
Thank you to nice security i never expected that from you guys
Thank you Marco we dont know what we would do without you
Thank you everyone who was there it was nice to meet all of you people
and the most and the best thank you goes to our guys.  Thank you Tokio Hotel for making this happen. <3

Now when i have nothing to wait for i feel so empty. my life seems to be so boring i need them!
but i hope they will take long break now, as they deserve it.
now i have one more "mission" to do. haha
i really have to say goodbye so im going to pack my suitcase now and go to sleep as im leaving to heaven tomorrow ;]
  the little pieces of my tour.

thats what i have left after this tour. 
i have to buy new flag as i had this one for 3-4 years already and its a bit dirty now so i will put it in the frame with all the passes and so on from this tour. 

on the pic with legs i dont have to explain who is there right? hahahaha than the next pic is a screen with my flag in Oberhausen the next one is in rotterdam .
Tom ....i have no words to what you did to me this tour. omg. thank you so much.
i just wonder what is it in Poland that he always must spot it hahaha. <3
Animation is from Oberhausen, the screens from Rotterdam. 
haha we will do Human connect to Human next time hahahaha...just few people know what i mean hahaha <3

 more than amusing.

 Willst du mehr?
Willst du nie zurück?
Willst du alles
Dann komm mit
Wir suchen nach dem Licht
Wir beide: du und ich

Nimm meine Hand
Wir sind allein
Zusammen wird alles anders sein

Goodnight. and i will write when i iwll be back xD 

New Layout.

yep thats the thing i was preparing for my blog
do you like it?
i love it haha its so niceeeeeee *-*
i was making it for whole night  but it was worth it.
so here is the old and new look together ;]

which one is better? 
i like both of them but the new one is fresh and thats what i needed xD
i love changes so here we go ;]

sorry that i haven't updated my blog for such a long time
but i just wasn't in mood to do it at all.
and also i went to Paris for the last concert from Welcome to Humanoid City Tour.
which i will write about in next posts.

Im actually preparing something new for my blog and i hope to get it done today!
i have to say i actually love the fresh thing and i hope you guys will also like it as it was hard to get it done and im still seating doing it ;]

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Tragedy. What's next?

70 years ago- Katyn
Today ? the history likes to repeat itself. 
Im not into politics, i never liked our president, but this what happend today morning 
makes me so sad and feel so crap about it. 
its my country i have to respect it. 
i feel so sory and god bless every person who died in this plane. 
i have nothing else to say. 

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


ok i haven't blogged for long xD i was just too lazy
but i was on formspring and on my photoblog xD
well i knew people hate me... but still that much? hahaha i mean come on grow up
how can someone hate you just because you like TH and tour to see them a lot.
but well if i would give up my dreams just because they want me to i would be the most dumb person in the world.
the haters will always come on your way, hahaha you just have to ignore them.
that's what im doing and i laugh at that because people are wasting their time just to write how bad i am how bitchy and stupid and ugly i am without knowing me.
but well i respect their opinion. hahaha.

so i picked few interesting & funny questions i got on formspring.

a gdyby TH powiedziało tobie żebyś za nimi nie jeździła i się od nich odczepiła, zrobiłabyś to? nie mówie że to możliwe bo któremu fanu by zabronili przychodzić na ich koncert albo coś, chyba żadnemu haha, ale jeśli taka sytuacja miałaby

mysle ze TH nie mialo by zadnego powodu zeby takie cos do mnie powiedziec, nie stalkuje ich, nie nazucam sie im, nie dre ryja na ich widok ,i mi przy nich nie odbija zachowuje sie przy nich tak jak i przy innych ludziach ktorzy cos dla mnie znacza i daze ich ogromnym szacunkiem.
jezeli by juz takie cos do mnie powiedzieli to mysle ze bym uszanowala ich zdanie i bym nigdzie nie pojechala, bo jak np. by juz takie cos mialo miejsce nie moglabym ich widziec z mysla ze poprostu zignorowalam to o co mnie prosili i to ze mnie tam niechca to chyba normalne jak by ci kolezanka powiedziala ze cie niechce widziec a ty bys za nia lazila niebylo by to fer co nie?

Hej, mam pytanie, czy jak zaczelas jezdzic na koncerty TH to jezdzilas z osobami ktore juz wczesniej znalas, czy pozalas je dlatego ze tez lubily TH? :)

jak zaczelam to z osobami ktore znalam, potem z osobami ktore poznalam dzieki th.

ile masz wzrostu i wagi?

1,80 wzrostu 63 kg chociaz waga sie wacha od 60-65 kilo

czemu robisz błędy ortograficzne? nie umiesz polskiego? oO

niewiem czemu robie bledy ortograficzne. myslisz ze robie je tak specjalnie?

czy to prawda , że tom rzucił ci na koncercie kostkę i złapałaś jego ręcznik? (chodzi mi o Łódź)

nie. tom niezucil mi kostki w lodzi ani niezlapalam jego recznika ( dostalam kawalek od kumpeli potem) nawet niestalam po tej stronie gdzie on ten recznik zucil.

sorry, ale będę po prostu szczera, bo tak jak niektóre dziewczyny uważam, że sobie wymyślasz te spojrzenia Toma, bo mając tysiące ładniejszych fanek od ciebie, nie sądzę, by akurat ciebie sobie upatrzył :)

myslisz? musisz byc z nim bardzo blisko jezeli wiesz co mu sie podoba a co popatrz poklony dla pani ;]

here is the one i laughed at the most. i mean really someone was so bored. ok everyone have right to write their opinion but hellow? in 4 questions? hahaha

nawet jakby mi walcem po twarzy przejechali to wyglądałabym lepiej od Ciebie, więc jeśli ja jestem monstrum to Ciebie powinni za twarz wsadzić na dożywocie bez możliwości wcześniejszego zwolnienia ;] Zbulwersowałam? Pf dziewczyno nie schlebiaj

co do strony, to jasne, że możesz mieć, tylko naucz się przyjmować szczerą krytykę, bo nie zawsze wszyscy krytykują z zazdrości czy chęci dowartościowania, szczególnie kogoś takiego jak Ty...

jeździsz za chłopakami, urajasz sobie jakieś kontakty wzrokowe z Tomem podczas koncertu, tak, pewnie trzepie sobie codziennie mając w myślach Ciebie oO Jak można się z Ciebie nie śmiać? xd

Ps mam 19 lat i patrząc na Ciebie wstydzę się, że jestem fanką, bo laski Twojego pokroju są dla nas wstydem i totalną porażką. Zastanów się nad tym trochę, a nie odpyskowujesz w prymitywny sposób ;] Bo to tylko świadczy o Tobie ;)

part 4 . ze tez tobie chcialo sie tyle pisac.
dziekuje za twoja wyczerpujaca wypowiedz. naprawde ;;(

gdzie kupilas sztuczna noge? hahahahahah by boo69x

w lidlu po przecenie ahahah ^^

szacun 100% za wytrzymanie presji, tych pojebusów. jesteś gruba, brzydka, spałaś z T, zgwałciłaś B i pewnie widziałaś słynnego klocka Georga, ciekawe co jeszcze ludzie wyumyślą :| hahahaha ogarnijcie się.

fantazja co nie? wypolbrzymjaja sobie a ciekawa jestem jak one same wygladaja, chyba maja kompleksy
i dzieki :*

czy to prawda, że stalkujesz bliźniaków? czemu jeździsz im pod chatę i nie dajesz żyć jak karcia itp idiotki -.-

niejezdze pod ich hate i ich niestalkuje wrecz przeciwnie niekreci mnie to zeby wjechac im bardziej na psychike.

Czemu przeprowadziłaś się z Polski? I w wieku ilu lat wyjechałaś do Anglii?

przeprowadzilam sie bo moi rodzicie sie tu wprowadzili. w wjeku 12 lat z przerwami.

czemu jesteś taka fałszywa i obrabiasz dupę swoim znajomym? do tego wszystko musi się kręcić wokół ciebie a tak naprawdę jesteś nikim, a lansujesz się na nie wiadomo jadą fankę... czemu tyle kłamiesz i wymyślasz opowieści i plotki na swój

wooo jaki pocisk.
mam plakac? hmm jak mam cos komus do powiedzenia mowie tej osobie prosto z mostu ;] jak bys mnie znala to bys o tym doskonale wiedziala. tak niemam co innego robic tylko wymyslac plotki na swoj temat haha brawo dla ciebie za kreatywnosc.

Masz kompleksy z powodu wzrostu ? Ile ważysz ?; )

niemam lubie swoj wzrost, i mysle ze jest jedna z najlepszych zeczy ktore mam. duzo dziewczyn chcialyby miec moj wzrost , niechcialabym byc niska. warze 60=65 kilo waga sie wacha zalezy ile zjem itp itd

z ciekawości przeczytałam 3/4 komentarzy i jestem godna podziwu, że czasami nie pierdolniesz tą klawiaturą i monitorem w pizdu. a ja zapytam Cię, czy na każdym koncercie Tokio Hotel jest taka.. magia?

hahaha dzieki :*
i tak kazdy koncert TH ma cos w sobie, jest magia, chociaz na tej trasie niema juz tego spontana ktory bardziej dawal to uczucie magii ale i tak kazdy koncert jest bardzo specjalny ja i z ich strony jak i z naszej ..zawsze sa inne przezycia.

i just wonder why just people who tour for TH get the most bitchy, hating, and rude questions?
why are people so jelous? so mad about someone want to make their dreams to come true ?
isnt that sick?